A pen vs a computer... which one wins?

I have some friends that love the Formula 1.


Since I don’t have TV at home, following the F1 or any other sport is complicated.

It’s complicated and doesn’t give you money… so, it’s a pass.


But, you can learn about the F1 by reading. About F1 and any other thing… because knowledge can be learned.

Take note of that.


Well… the F1 is an amazing business and there are plenty of things you can learn from it.


For example, I don't know if you know Adrian Newey.


Adrian is an engineer who, for years, has been the most sought-after, desired, and pursued person in F1.

It’s a curious phenomenon because it’s one of the few times when someone who is one of the least visible figures in a project generates as much, if not more, buzz than the superstar drivers.


Adrian has been leading the Red Bull Racing project for the past 17 years.


And in recent years, he’s been responsible for Red Bull cars' overwhelming dominance over the rest.

In total, he’s been directly responsible for 25 world titles in his career.


So… The billionaire behind Aston Martin (another team) came in, laid a huge pile of money on the table, one stack after another, and poached him from Red Bull.

But Aston Martin had fierce competition.

Everyone wanted to secure Adrian’s services.

A rockstar engineer.

So now the whole industry is buzzing because they see Aston Martin becoming the team to beat in the coming years…


Anyway, I’m not telling you about Adrian just because of that.

When Aston Martin presented him publicly...

He said something that blew my mind.


They asked him about his creative process.


They wanted to know how a genius engineer thinks when designing the fastest and most efficient cars.


This is what he said… more or less.


“I’m like the last dinosaur in Formula 1 still using a drawing notebook. It’s what I grew up with, like my first language. If I switched to a CAD system (a software used to make 3D plans and objects), I think it would always be my second language. I wouldn’t be able to work with the same freedom and ease.”


There you have it. The most in-demand person in an industry, with one of the most technical and sophisticated jobs where everyone boasts about knowing more software than the next person, makes his fantastic designs in the most rudimentary way possible.


Think of this for a second.




No technology can beat the pursuit of simplicity in a business, in a strategy.


People complicate their lives too much with the next software, piece of AI, email marketing thing, the next social media stuff…


And look at this… Simplicity is your greatest power.


Take advantage of it.


Don’t complicate yourself too much.


If you want to analyse a piece of real estate, you just need this.

​Is this piece of real estate a good investment​


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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