My opinion about the Trump vs Harris debate

A friend asked me a couple of days ago.

What’s your opinion about the debate, who won?


My answer was short and to the point.

“I didn’t watch the debate. I didn’t read about it. I simply don’t care.”




If you worry or care about who won the debate or who will win the elections, you are in trouble.

Mentally in trouble.

You’ve got a mindset issue.

A disability.


People work and work… and work and work.

Many hours. Many. Many.

And still, they don’t make much progress.

Same salary… well, adjusted by inflation if lucky. Similar sales in their businesses. Etc.


And they work many hours. They are hard working people.

And maybe you’re one of those people.


But they work in the wrong things. In things that are not important, that are not in the direction of progress.

Better to concentrate in less things. Do less and get more results.

We spend our time in useless meetings, reading and answering irrelevant emails, drafting and reviewing unnecessary reports.

This is minimum, 50% of our time.

We get comfortable in that shit.

But that shit doesn’t bring us anywhere.

We fill our time… work a lot… and then we wonder why we don’t make progress.


Work less, and concentrate just in the things that add value, that produce more sales, that give you results.


Important things first, then the rest… and only if you feel like.

Make the call to that client, prospect more clients, write that letter, call your lawyer and put him in action, hire that person, read that amazing book, improve your product, do your 100 daily push-ups, change your terms and conditions, fire that useless person or consultant.

Yes, these things are hard… but they bring you results.


And if you fill your time with stupid and useless activities… the same happens with ideas and worries in your brain.

You shouldn’t care about Harris vs Trump.

They won’t change your life. They have almost no capacity to do that… They just fill the news.

Your life is in your hands.

And in your hands only.

Up to you what you want to achieve.


If you are with me. If you want to concentrate in things that add value to your life, business and career, I’m building something that can help you.

You’ll get more info, after you register here.

​Interested. Let's go​


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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