How could we be so stupid?

What all these things have in common?


  • Anesthesia
  • Electroshock
  • Helicopter
  • Steam engine
  • Suitcases with wheels
  • Zero

Don’t get it?


Nothing… just that they don’t make sense.


Let me explain.

We’ve been using anesthesia for decades, but until a few years ago, no one knew how it worked… and everyone considered that they were safe!

You might think of electroshock as torture… well, the reality is that it’s used and it works to alleviate certain symptoms. We don’t precisely know why it works.
Aeronautical engineers use to say: only God knows how a plane works, but not even God knows how a helicopter can fly…
But if you don’t get it yet, think of the steam engine. This is mind-blowing.

Humanity hadn’t even left Africa, yet we knew that heating water could lift a lid.

In Rome, there were toys that moved with steam.

And yet, until the 19th century, no one thought to build an engine with it.

After that, it sparked the greatest era of human development.

Nice, right?

And even more embarrassing. Suitcases and wheels have been used for millennia, but until about 20 years ago, no one thought to combine them… In my school, the pioneers, those poor kids that dare to bring rolling backpacks got beaten up… "Here’s a punch—what makes you think you can save your calories by not carrying kilos of paper?"


But my favorite is zero. Yes, 0.
It took 3,600 years from the advent of mathematics for someone to say, “Hey guys, it would be useful to represent nothing.”


No human activity is immune to stupidity.

Think of finance, management, construction, sales, marketing… no one.
I’m sure that in my mentorship, you’ll face learnings that will blow your mind. Tricks, ways of thinking that will provoke a “zero” moment in your brain…


Take a look.

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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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