Why to get more education?


Why should you care?


Over and over, we have heard from our parents or at school the same story.

Study hard.

Get a good degree.

With the good degree, a good job.

Then, work hard.


That’s the perfect receipt to be permanently frustrated about how little money you make, and how much money others make.


No matter if you are an operator or a CEO.

The money that you make out of selling your time never tastes fulfilling.


If you care about that, you should continue your education until you die.

Not more degrees necessarily.

But just more experience.

You need to expose yourself to new things.

You need to learn new things.


And why?

Just to have more options.


Knowing every day more and more about less and less is also following the path of slavery.

You limit the companies you can work for.

You limit the positions you can work on.

And if you didn’t take care of your finances…

You limit enormously the offers that you can accept for that job in that company.


So, continuing your education, trying new things, get exposed to new people, thinking, mindsets, businesses, opinions, etc. is just a way to give you more options.


If you click below, you can access to myself, to my thinking, to my mindset, to my businesses, opinions… etc. One lesson every week.


In this week’s lesson, you make learn a way to ask for a big promotion…


Just a way.

Just more options.


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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