In case you live in a James Bond movie

People are terrible when using their brains.

There is a human tendency of finding problems where there aren’t.

You probably vote on elections, you know what I’m talking about.


Complex explanations to simple problems are our bread and butter everywhere.

The little bug that caused lots of trouble to computers a few days ago needs to be something major. A kind of conspiracy by terrible people hidden in inaccessible places.

Just one guy f*ucking it up is not a good enough explanation.

Bidden retiring seems another chess game with obscure powers inserting chips into his brain.

Considering that the good Joe simply realized that he is old, has no choice and diminishing support is too simple.


The same happens to me in projects.

People are mentally mast*rbating with chess games, complex commercial strategies and lucubrations about what to do against the client. The client against the contractors. And so on.

Impatience. Pressure. Lack of experience, competence, or resources. Being too busy. Being unprepared. Not understanding the issue. Etc. seem too simple to accept it as the reality.

Everyone wants open conversations, trust and transparency, but then it’s easier to find a rainbowing unicorn on the swimming pool drinking mojitos than that combo of simple things and common sense.

Contracts. KPIs. Incentives. Carrots…


All really complicated.


Lack of experiences or a James Bond syndrome, I don’t know… but I’m sure it’s happened to you.


I love finding simplicity where everyone sees complexity and reasons why things cannot happen.

If you feel lost or people have seen too many James Bond movies, you can contact me and have a chat. Link below.


1:1 Introductory Call




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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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