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A few of you have asked me whether my course about investment is a “stock market” or “trading” course.

The answer is simple.


I have no f**** idea about trading or the “stock market”, so the only thing available to me would be to put free stuff in social media.

But, I have a few other things in my plate, and I’m lazy, so I’ve not started those free videos yet.

The course is about common sense investing.

The common sense that 99% of people forget… or simply don’t apply.

It tells you the flaws of greed, especially the greed of people selling you funds and other investments options.

It contains interesting data that puts returns and risks into perspective.

It tells you, for example, why investing in one property can be a terrible, a good or a great idea depending on your circumstances and targets…

It tells you why most people shouldn’t invest in bitcoin, but also, in case you absolutely wish, what alternatives you have available.

Well… I could continue to talk about this for hours, but the best is that you discover and explore it yourself.

The link to access is below.

​Get the course about investing NOW​


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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