Jumping like rabbits

If you are applying deductions to a contractor in your project, you’re doing it wrong.




Probably wrong.


I’ve seen many contracts where the agency / client comes happily with the hammer of deductions.


You didn’t comply, here you are the ticket.

They give you 15 min to attend a user in your road in distress because a breakdown.

You arrived in 16 min.


They are happy. Job done. I’m protecting the taxpayer.


Well… you’re not.


If, in the rest of the network, you give yourself 30 min to arrive during the day and 1 hour at night, and you ask me 15 min 24/7… you, taxpayer, you’ll be paying for something unique in my piece of network, with very little value plus interest, margin and risk on top of the cost of having this unique service.


Not homogeneous service in your network, paid at a very high cost.




Keeping all parties incentivised in a complex contract is an art.

As my grandma is not in the newsletter… let me say that I’m an artist…

Although just an artist of the common sense.


Once I had a KPI.

“You have to keep the grass below 40 cm height”… or deductions. The hammer.


In many occasions, we detected the supervisors from the transport agency, leaving the car dangerously on the shoulder, risking their lives, jumping like rabbits the ditch of the highway, crawling the slope, grabbing a rule like the ones used by children, putting it on the ground, measuring the heigh of the grass… and photo.


Good for them.

Looking for your fault, as motivated, as tax inspectors.


One day, they stayed for so long trying to find the flower that would get over the 40cm line that a towing company tried to pull their car away. Jumping like rabbits, waving their arms, they arrived on time…


You, taxpayer, also pay for that stupidity.

The management of KPIs is not free.


We proposed to cut the grass 3 times / year.

KPI supervision was: done vs not done.

Easier. Faster. Safer. Cheaper (for you, tax payer).

Just common sense.


If you need a session of common sense, click below.

​Introductory Call ​


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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