Real Estate Personal Shopper

Buying a property, a dream that can turn into a nightmare, is an important decision, whether it's for a primary residence or investment.


It's a complex process.

It can generate stress, doubts, and even costly mistakes.

It can take away your sleep.

No matter if you have a 2 years old son that cries at 2am, then at 4am, and then at 5am…


Sending your hard-earned dollars or euros or whatever through the toilet is not my cup of tea.

It shouldn’t be yours either.


But getting frozen like the rabbit I mentioned yesterday shouldn’t be an option.


I’ve been there.

Without sleeping.

With and without a 2-years-old son.




Well… there are challenges when you invest. Issues that prevents you to build your wealth.



Lack of time, knowledge… and too many properties

This is the first one.

Yeah. I know this quite well.

Finding a suitable property can take a lot of time and requires knowledge of the real estate market, areas, prices, and legal procedures.

I have a solution for this, and it’s not just hire me… it’s about finding a niche that can make you pass from hours of scrolling to minutes.


Incomplete or even misleading information

What to look for? What’s important? What’s not that important?

Look. The information provided by sellers or real estate agents is not always complete or truthful. They have their reasons for that. But not knowing what to look for can lead to wrong decisions.


Complex paperwork

Yeah… the papers… you’ll need to read those papers.

Buying a property involves legal and administrative procedures that can be tedious and difficult to understand.

But… the one reading AND understanding wins.

Making real money in real estate is painful… sometimes… many times… but’s really worthy.



People don’t know how to negotiate.

Most are obsessed about price.

And sorry… that’s wrong. You can negotiate everything, a good price AND favourable conditions. Sometimes the conditions are what makes you rich… not the purchase price.


Why am I telling you this?

Because 12 years ago, I had nobody to turn and ask for help.

I wasted my time and money learning…

Well… I “invested” my time and money.

It took me years of pain.

Nights without sleeping.



Some expensive creams that my wife buys for me and for my face



You can have a fresh start though.

With less than all that… except for one facial cream that is awesome!

It’ll save you time, money, worries and costly mistakes.


​Grab a moment with me, and I’ll tell you how.


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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