This end is not a suprise

If you live in a condo or townhouse complex like my own, you know what’s happening anytime there are big works, right?



Extra cost.

Extra time.

Extra frustrations.

And so on.

Impossible not to be.

People in charge don’t have experience performing those works.

They overpromise and they underdeliver, spending more time and money than everyone expected.


It’s like politicians.


Some never finished any studies that they make laws about universities.

They don’t understand the economy, but they make laws about banks.

They never founded and managed a company, but they create incentives for them through subsidies or tax reliefs.


But people that even are “in the business”, they don’t get updated.

I have a property and project manager that still calculate costs with 2021 rates… and then, he get surprises when his projects go underwater.


You have to be up to date.

You can be the reference in your field.

And this doesn’t require a lot of effort.

As people are working very little in upscaling their skills and knowledge, you can get on the top very, very quickly.


Find coaches, mentors and good information.

Nothing will get you back more return with less effort or cost.


What about ready a document like this one?


​Facts you need to know about PPPs.pdf​


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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