What to do with money

Many of us see our parents putting on weight.


When you have 20 or 30 kg of fat on your body and you don’t maintain good muscle mass, it’s difficult to climb stairs, get on the ground and stand up without help, or even walk.


Can you imagine 20 kg less fat and 5 kg more muscle?


Fitter parents and grandparents.

Fewer medications.

Fewer side effects.

More trips.

More vitality.


It’s hard to change habits that have been ingrained for many years.


But there are some highly effective levers that can be tried.


Of course, it requires effort.


But so does carrying the weight. Or injecting insulin. Or taking daily semaglutide.


Are you in the same path?




Many people are obsessed about money.


Not bad in principle. It would be worst to be obsessed about paying more taxes…


But money is just the first step.

Important, but that’s not where the journey ends.


On the contrary, that’s where it begins.

One thing is having economic freedom, and quite another is knowing what to do with that freedom.


That’s why some people, even after achieving financial freedom, still don’t find true abundance.


And what is true abundance?


It’s the combination of three things: physical, mental, and spiritual abundance.


Imagine having financial success, but your body doesn’t let you enjoy it due to a lack of health. What’s the point then?

Imagine having perfect health but not finding purpose or resources to feel fulfilled. Is that the quality of life you really want?

Imagine having a clear purpose but having also your mind full of anxiety and constant noise... then it’s game over.


True abundance is about keeping those three pillars in balance.


If you are looking for balance, you may want to check the first lessons of the Mentorship.

​Join my mentorship - Only $24.90 - LAUNCHING PRICE​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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