When your world catches fire, do this

You cannot help it.

You pay yourself last.

You are the last monkey in the queue.


Don’t believe it?


Well… let’s check.


You have your day planned out.

You're going to be strict and responsible.

You’re going to do what you're supposed to do and not get sidetracked.
You’re going to wake up early.

You’re going to have a proper breakfast, hit the gym, work without allowing interruptions.

You’re going to leave at a certain time, and come home without looking at your phone until the next day, but...

But… oh.
You get up.

You check your phone.

3 unexpected emails, 5 notifications…


The message from your boss, or a client.

A new presentation to be delivered tomorrow.

The guy that was going to help you is sick.

The other lady you were expecting to review her job didn’t have the time to delivered it.

And then…

You cancel the gym.

Start working from home with just a sip of coffee and leave two hours late.

Work, work and work and cling to your phone until bedtime, which, of course, is three hours later than it should be.


You tell yourself silly things like you'll sleep tomorrow or that you need some time to unwind…

Did you get it?


Your discipline is weaker than the ideals of a politicians in front of their donners.

Your discipline is, as for most people, an illusion.


Just a small piece of advice that you didn’t ask for.


Next time that someone call you with something urgent use one of these two techniques:

  1. You ignore it
  2. Ask someone to pick up the phone for you and pronounce these words: He can’t come to the phone right now... he’s working.


That’s your statement of intent.


And if you think that your boss or your client will fire you… you’re wrong. Nothing that send more authority to and calm more the other than knowing that you are busy and working hard.


So, next time that your world catches fire, remember: you can’t come right now.


For more tips, just join my mentorship in the link below:

​Join my mentorship - Only $24.90 - LAUNCHING PRICE​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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