In case you are in a dark place, think of this

This week I attended "Building Nations."

It's a conference where more than 800 professionals from the infrastructure industry in NZ, Australia, and other places come together for two days to pat each other on the back, network, listen to the obvious things that repeat every year and everyone in the industry already knows, let the politicians reveal secrets that are common knowledge, and drink and get drunk like twenty-somethings at the open bar at night.

Nothing new under the sun.

This is a tough and complicated industry, so you deserve to let loose once in a while.

This year though, people left feeling hopeful on the one hand: "projects are coming." And frustrated on the other: "projects are coming… around 2026."

As if that wasn't enough, the gold rush for PPPs has just begun... and here, almost everyone is pessimistic: those who don't know about PPPs and have to learn, and those of us who do know and see that it could go very wrong.

In any case, think about this:
It doesn't matter which side you're on — pro-PPP, anti-PPP, whether you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all.
When you suddenly fall into a dark place, it's easy to think you've just been buried, but more likely, you've been planted.

So, it's time blossom… to learn and understand what went well and what went wrong in other PPPs in NZ.

I know one very, very, very well. You can discover the 15 most important lessons learned here.

Lessons for life… not just for someone in the industry.

Take a look.

​The 15 Top Lessons of a PPP Project Nightmare​



The 15 Top Lessons of a PPP Project Nightmare

Learn about:
The number 1 killer of Projects
Why this was not going to be just "another construction project, mate"... Read more



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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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