My neighbor can teach you a lot

I’m working quite a lot from home in the last weeks.

I work, but I also look at the window.

And I observe.


I see my neighbour. Just in front.


Observing is a magic skill that you should cultivate.


My neighbour is a good guy.


I don’t know what he does for living, but things seem go well for him.


He has two cars.

Quite nice cars. Sport cars. Expensive, elegant cars… you know.

Two good cars.

But one parking slot assign to his townhouse.


At 7:00 am, he goes and pick up one of the cars from the street.

He parks at night next to a sign saying “Loading area – 5 min max at all times”.

But, he knows that Auckland council guys don’t work too much from 10am to 7am… so he wakes up early, pick up the car, which is at about 20m from the door of his home, and park in our visitor parking.

There, there is a signal: “Visitor Parking – 3 hours max”. The slot is just 10m away from his door.

Then, I assume that he gets a quiet and satisfying breakfast, and at about 10 am, he moves the car again.

He parks at his door, in the private street.

The complex policy says that you can park there, for 10 min max.

But he does it for as long as the towing company does not show up.

When the towing truck arrives, he jumps out of his sofa, and move the car, just on time… “sorry, sorry, my bad”

Then, he moves his car to another Visitor Parking. Same sign. “Visitor Parking – 3 hours max”

He does the trick again.

3 hours.

He moves the car again… to another visitor parking… or in front of his door… depending how busy the area is.

3 hours.

And he moves the car again.

At around 10pm, towing companies tired of chasing him and his car, to have a baby sleep, he parks in the main street: “Loading area – 5 min max at all times”.

Until the following day, at 7:00am.


There are parking slots for rent in my complex. Reasonable prices.

There is a public parking, 50 m away from his door. Even cheaper.


But no… he prefers to play the system, “save some money” and “work for his car”.


This is one day after another.


And you may be laughing, but this theme is more common than you think.

People doing whatever to save a few pennies, including wasting time, energy, stress, and so on.

People trying to trick the system, playing borderline with it.


And you find this people in business, in investing, in so many other places.

You know some of them, for sure.


I like to keep these people at a distance. Observing from my window.


I have a course. An introduction to Real Estate Investing.

I think that this course could help my neighbour a lot… to live freer, with two car parks and less stress.

It took me a decade to learn these basics.

If for any reason, you are considering investing in real estate… you should take a look.


​Ever you can make money in Real Estate – $14.90


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Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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