The new toy you were waiting for

Get away of people that complain or dream about the past like this…


"If I had invested in Apple in the 90s...”

“If I had put money in Tesla when no one believed in that”

“If I have not sold my Bitcoins when they were at 10 dollars”.




Sorry, but it makes me want to vomit from hearing the same thing over and over.


They suck your energy, and you know what?

Talking is dirt cheap.

Almost as cheap, almost as dirt as a vending machine coffee.



Lamenting about the past is the more unproductive waste of time that you can invest your time on.


It is what you can do today what matters.

In fact, it’s the only thing that matters.

Focus on what you can control and forget the rest.


Elections, wars, crisis, the next idea of your government, the price of the housing market…

Those things are good to fill newspaper, but not to fill your brain.


The less you care about those things, the freer you are.

The more you focus on the things that you can control, the freer you are.


I can control what information I consume. How I nurture my brain and my body.

I can control the calls I make or the emails I write or the advice and lessons I put on my mentorship.


I don’t control if you will subscribe, or you will unsubscribe later.

I don’t control whether you choose a monthly fee or a three-month fee or a six-month fee.


This is why those things don’t matter to me.

I do, do, do, learn, adjust and repeat.


In the case of the mentorship that I’m launching today, I want just to pass my knowledge.

Those that want to nurture their minds with different stuff will go in.

Others will prefer to inject in their brains the crap that should only be in newspapers.


As I said, I have done a lot, lived a lot, tried a lot of things, and I want to get those learnings out.

It is just an idea, but it may grow and grow with time.

Who knows. Maybe you’ll be missing the next Tesla… or maybe not, but you don’t lose much to click below and figure it out.

Your decision may dictate your fate.

​Join my mentorship - Only $24.90 - LAUNCHING PRICE​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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