The thing I'm certain about

One day, they asked Jeff Bezos about the future.

Jeff, what are the upcoming trends? How would Amazon react to them?


The answer worths more than an MBA in Harvard…

… specially because in Harvard, they don’t teach this…

He replied that he doesn’t care about what changes, but about what stays the same.


Take a minute to read this sentence again.


I don’t care about what changes, but about what stays the same.


Empires are built on certainties.

Not in “I think”, “I guess”, “My understanding is”.


For years, I’ve had a certainty, and I operate based on it.


The more you focus on what you can control, the better you live.


With war or without, with psychopaths in power or with fools.

Let me repeat it for you, in case you thought it wasn’t much:

The more you focus on what you can control, the better you live.


I hold onto that unchanging truth and ignore the rest of the noise in the universe.

Every day, I keep improving, at selling, at my businesses, at my investments, at my muscles, at my mindset.

And since you’re not, you’re not making the progress I do.


Want proof?
• I’ll do that, but first…
• Not until this is done…
• As soon as that’s ready…


You spend your day avoiding certainties to ride the waves of uncertainty.


Another certainty:
The sooner you value yourself above everything else in life…

The sooner your boss will appreciate you, will respect you, will promote you and the more money you’ll make.

The sooner a client will give you his money, the more loyal he’ll be, the more satisfied he’ll be, and the more money he’ll give you over time.


I’m about to launch my mentorship.

If interested, click here, and you’ll get a surprise.

​Click here.


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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