
Vicente Valencia

The "PPP Guy" | Helping to deliver infrastructure through PPP faster, cheaper and easier | C-Suite Executive | Real Estate passionate and investor | Mentor, Coach, Consultant | 👇JOIN +3k for daily tips and insights 👇

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The maliciously obedient

They are people and contractors alike. I have one I love. It’s the company that is building one of my projects in Spain. You choose the best in experience. Even you pay a premium to hire the guys. Then, work start. Progress slow. Extras coming in… and in… and in… Questions. More questions. More obvious questions. No progress. And your experience? Your references? “I do what you tell me to do. Nothing else. Nothing more”. These are the maliciously obedient. They do exactly and only what you...

In life there are two kinds of people. Those that fears AI or artificial intelligence (in case you forgot what AI means), and those that only think about how to apply it to “their case” and produce more doing less. Those that see PPPs or Public Private Partnerships (in case you forgot what PPP means) as an existential threat, and those that only think about how to use the opportunity to make more money for them and their companies. I could continue with bitcoin, China, the next pandemic,...

A few of you have asked me whether my course about investment is a “stock market” or “trading” course. The answer is simple. No. I have no f**** idea about trading or the “stock market”, so the only thing available to me would be to put free stuff in social media. But, I have a few other things in my plate, and I’m lazy, so I’ve not started those free videos yet. The course is about common sense investing. The common sense that 99% of people forget… or simply don’t apply. It tells you the...

I have a friend who is not passing for a good moment at work. And, you probably know my opinion about “work” and about complaining… but it’s a friend. This is what I told him. You work 8 hours, if you are lucky, to enjoy 4… if you are also lucky. You work 5 days to live 1… as normally Sundays are used to worried about the next Monday to Friday cycle. You work 1 year, in exchange of 3… maybe 4 weeks, if you are lucky… or 5 if you are superlucky and get all public holidays. Then you work 40...

It’s probably because I’m a new dad. I see a video with children… and I can’t stop watching. One of those that get out some tears from my is a video showing some very, very young babies, just a few months old, being given glasses to wear for the first time. At first, the babies struggled to avoid it, crying, moving their head non-stop, pushing with their hands, complaining... They did everything they could to avoid THAT thing being put in front of their face. But thanks to having loving...

It was on Saturday. I was waking up from a mini siesta caused by the flu and an overdose of paracetamol. I saw the email from our com manager. The minister says that they are going to increase the speed limit in our highway. Fantastic! Wonderful! They could have given us a heads-up, at least. We could have told him that it’s not about changing the 100 speed signs by 110 signs. We could have discussed about reviewing the performance of the barriers protecting users, or the need to change the...

365 days since I started this newsletter. And so many things have happened. Investors for my real estate businesses. Increase in social media (followers and engagement) by 3x Thousands of dollars in courses sold. New friends, lots of fun and much more. The reason why I started this newsletter were some friends who were not very good at investing their money. Being an ex-banker and someone that talks on regular basis with funds, private equity, investors and entrepreneurs from all around the...

This week I attended "Building Nations." It's a conference where more than 800 professionals from the infrastructure industry in NZ, Australia, and other places come together for two days to pat each other on the back, network, listen to the obvious things that repeat every year and everyone in the industry already knows, let the politicians reveal secrets that are common knowledge, and drink and get drunk like twenty-somethings at the open bar at night. Nothing new under the sun. This is a...

I’m working quite a lot from home in the last weeks. I work, but I also look at the window. And I observe. I see my neighbour. Just in front. Observing is a magic skill that you should cultivate. My neighbour is a good guy. I don’t know what he does for living, but things seem go well for him. He has two cars. Quite nice cars. Sport cars. Expensive, elegant cars… you know. Two good cars. But one parking slot assign to his townhouse. At 7:00 am, he goes and pick up one of the cars from the...

If you need to do something, better you start doing it… Now. Not tomorrow, now. Procrastination is the sickness of the XXI century… or this is what people say. What I believe is that we all should go to the jungle without our phones and move our a**es. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to go back to the caverns. But, procrastination is the subproduct of a weak society with a super large safety net. If you depended on your actions to eat tonight, you won’t be procrastinating. If you had a lion...