
Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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The secret to calmer mornings

Every day you can see examples. Our society is clearly weaker and weaker by the day. You browse around a little, and you see a post with hundreds of likes. I stop, curious. And what do I see? The dopamine injection of feel-goodism that dulls us all. See below: The true luxuries of life are: Slow mornings with coffee, staring at nothing. A good night's sleep. A fit body. Peace of mind. Living in the present moment. The freedom to choose what you want to do. Being surrounded by people you love....

You cannot help it. You pay yourself last. You are the last monkey in the queue. Don’t believe it? Well… let’s check. You have your day planned out. You're going to be strict and responsible. You’re going to do what you're supposed to do and not get sidetracked. You’re going to wake up early. You’re going to have a proper breakfast, hit the gym, work without allowing interruptions. You’re going to leave at a certain time, and come home without looking at your phone until the next day, but......

Many of us see our parents putting on weight. When you have 20 or 30 kg of fat on your body and you don’t maintain good muscle mass, it’s difficult to climb stairs, get on the ground and stand up without help, or even walk. Can you imagine 20 kg less fat and 5 kg more muscle? Fitter parents and grandparents. Fewer medications. Fewer side effects. More trips. More vitality. It’s hard to change habits that have been ingrained for many years. But there are some highly effective levers that can...

Imagine a country like this: A total of 48 million inhabitants. 7.2 million under 16 years old. Therefore, they do not work. Among retirees, pensioners, the disabled, students, housewives, unemployed... there are 16.7 million who also do not work. That leaves us with 24 million people available to work (half of the country). Of those 24 million, 3.6 million are employed by the state, regions, municipalities, whatever. The rest are self-employed and salaried workers. Specifically: • 3.2...

People drawn in a glass of water. They lack perspective. Look. You have all you need. I repeat. You have all you need to achieve your potential. And let me put you an example. Probably you know her. Her name is Emma Kok. Look for her on the internet. She became famous when she was 15 years old or so. She signs like the angels. If you look for her interpretation of the song “Voilà”, you’ll see that it has more reproductions that any crap issued by Donald and Elon together, by far....

Get away of people that complain or dream about the past like this… "If I had invested in Apple in the 90s...” “If I had put money in Tesla when no one believed in that” “If I have not sold my Bitcoins when they were at 10 dollars”. Etc. Sorry, but it makes me want to vomit from hearing the same thing over and over. They suck your energy, and you know what? Talking is dirt cheap. Almost as cheap, almost as dirt as a vending machine coffee. Look. Lamenting about the past is the more...

One day, they asked Jeff Bezos about the future. Jeff, what are the upcoming trends? How would Amazon react to them? The answer worths more than an MBA in Harvard… … specially because in Harvard, they don’t teach this… He replied that he doesn’t care about what changes, but about what stays the same. Take a minute to read this sentence again. I don’t care about what changes, but about what stays the same. Empires are built on certainties. Not in “I think”, “I guess”, “My understanding is”....

First week of “relax” and meetings to celebrate my well-deserved holidays. Having been for so long on the infrastructure world, logically I’ve been catching up and meeting people from banks, private equity firms and infrastructure investors, in general. In a coffee with investors talking about how I could help them in the future, I was asked something like… why would I be a good advisor for them. I was thinking that we were practising the art of conversation and coffee tasting and this caught...

They are people out there doing extreme things: They avoid having a couple of coffees at the café each week and feel guilty if they spend 15 euros on beers with friends. Even though they work hard, they take very few vacation days a year and always choose the cheapest hotel they can find on Booking. Some obsess over not exceeding 100 km/h when driving on the highway and use an app to tell them which gas station to refuel at to save 0.01 cents per liter of fuel. Others go to the supermarket...

We’re always comparing ourselves to others. We shouldn’t. Comparing yourself to others and complaining about anything are your best friends of poverty. What if we showed up to work every day simply to be better than ourselves. What if your objective every day was to become better than your yesterday self. I think that is a better WHY than your pay raise, your next sale, your next business… it pays great dividends on the long run. You don’t need to worry anymore for the next great idea...